Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our United States shark protection laws are at risk!


 US fisheries management has proposed harmful language that will weaken US shark finning law and undermine shark fin trade restrictions. 
Please share this email telling NOAA NO! to Shark Fins.

If NOAA is allowed to add these changes it weaken Federal shark finning law and can erase the shark fin trade restrictions of California, Hawaii, five other US States and two Oversea's Territories.

100 Million Sharks are killed each year for their fins. We cannot let our fisheries managers contribute to the destruction of shark populations.
Join Shark Stewards with Congressman Jared Huffman and 62 other US representatives urging NOAA to Stop weakening laws protecting sharks and regulating the shark fin trade.
Don't let the government undo the last ten years of shark conservation. Add your voice here to save sharks from shark finning and the shark fin trade.

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Help us create Shark Sanctuaries and Promote Shark Finning Bans.

Copyright © *2013* *David McGuire*, All rights reserved.

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