About TxSS

Texas Chapter of Shark Stewards 

Mission Statement: Our Texas Chapter, along with our other national and international campaigns are directed towards raising awareness on shark conservation, sustainable fisheries, improved water quality and marine ecosystem protection. We advocate policy including the banning of shark finning, and regulating the shark fin trade in the great state of Texas, throughout the United States, and the Pacific Rim.

Sharks have swam the oceans for over 400 million years, helping to shape and maintain the balance of ocean ecosystems. Sharks have survived the five great extinction events, including the last which caused the dinosaurs to go extinct.  For all this time, sharks were the top predators in the ocean.

Until Now.

Today, many species are threatened with extinction within our lifetime.  Over-fishing and shark finning is killing tens of millions of sharks per year at an alarmingly unsustainable rate.
Fortunately, global attitudes are rapidly shifting in favor of sharks.  We are at the forefront of the global movement to protect sharks, ban the shark fin trade, stop illegal shark finning and establish shark sanctuaries.

There is lot to do to support shark populations, and Shark Stewards is here to help. We provide the tools for activists to take action and stop shark finnning and ban the shark fin trade.