Sunday, December 8, 2013

Our United States shark protection laws are at risk!


 US fisheries management has proposed harmful language that will weaken US shark finning law and undermine shark fin trade restrictions. 
Please share this email telling NOAA NO! to Shark Fins.

If NOAA is allowed to add these changes it weaken Federal shark finning law and can erase the shark fin trade restrictions of California, Hawaii, five other US States and two Oversea's Territories.

100 Million Sharks are killed each year for their fins. We cannot let our fisheries managers contribute to the destruction of shark populations.
Join Shark Stewards with Congressman Jared Huffman and 62 other US representatives urging NOAA to Stop weakening laws protecting sharks and regulating the shark fin trade.
Don't let the government undo the last ten years of shark conservation. Add your voice here to save sharks from shark finning and the shark fin trade.

Please Donate to support our work.
To learn more sign up for our shark alerts.
Want to help? Volunteers & Fundraisers needed!
Become a Shark Steward and join the shark movement.
Help us create Shark Sanctuaries and Promote Shark Finning Bans.

Copyright © *2013* *David McGuire*, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Shark Stewards:

First, the bad news. At 2:00 PM yesterday I got word that Senators Fraser and Taylor blocked our shark bill and prevented HB 852 from reaching the Senate floor. That’s right, we lost. They gave into pressure from a small band of vocal charter fishermen who are spreading fear and misinformation. In reality, for Texas charter fishermen, shark fins do not represent a significant revenue stream. However, some are indeed profiting from shark finning. (Pity that some Texas legislators do not recognize the ecological and economic benefits of live sharks at sea so much as the political advantages of protecting the individual rights of a few to profit from a destructive practice.)

If HB 852 had passed, it would not have impacted any currently legal commercial or recreational fishing practices within Texas state waters. It would only have strengthened national and international regulations against the wasteful practice of harvesting sharks for the cartilage in their fins. This legislation would have removed Texas from the demand side of the economic equation by not supporting the illegal trade in shark fin products, specifically shark fin soup.

As Katie Jarl, Texas State Director for the Humane Society of the United States, told me, “The unsustainable demand for shark fins has had a devastating impact on shark populations worldwide. It is extremely disappointing that Sen. Fraser and Sen. Taylor were unsupportive of this common-sense legislation and in turn kept the Senate from taking the time to vote and help end our contribution to the cruel and wasteful practice. A ban on shark fin products is the most effective way to eliminate the demand and to help eradicate shark finning around the world. We’ll continue to fight in Texas for these laws.”

After nearly a year at work on this, it is difficult to accept that a pair of senators who are ideologically opposed to any regulations - even those designed to protect public and ecological health - can decide the fate of sharks in Texas. But that is essentially what happened. It was a quiet defeat. I would have written you all yesterday, but I didn’t have the words. All I could think of was the final stanza of T.S. Eliot’s poem The Hollow Men:

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.

Yeah, not really motivating, is it? The thing about making big speeches is this: after “Victory or Death”, what is there left to say? (By the way, “death” was not about me, but the 100 million sharks that are being killed each year to fuel the unsustainable and inhumane shark fin trade.)

Fortunately, it turns out that there is still a lot to say, because the world is not ending (yet). In terms of ocean and shark conservation in Texas, it is just beginning. NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS. Here’s what I am grateful to have now that we did not have 6 months ago in Texas:

An engaged and activated community of ocean lovers

The support of 30+ leading cultural and conservation organizations

Mobilization within the fishing community. Check out Marisol Ramirez’ inspiring video of shark fishermen advocating for our bill

An unwavering commitment to environmental education so that Texas' future leaders will not hesitate to make decisions that positively factor in the value of the natural world

Collaboration with the Humane Society of the United States and other leading animal advocacy groups

Heightened Consumer awareness. Our friend Mark Hall has produced an outstanding documentary called "Sushi: The Global Catch". We’ve pitched a panel on this and other topics for the SXSW Eco conference. To help us earn a spot to present our panel Ocean Conservation through Social Innovation, vote here on Panel Picker:

Shark Stewards will continue to lead in ocean and shark conservation efforts in Texas. What started as policy-driven initiative has turned into a great volunteer opportunity for my family. Glad to stay aboard as the Texas chair of Shark Stewards! If you are interested in helping me, please let me know and I’ll find a great place to channel your talents. It’s a team effort!
Finally, this is about fun. Okay, so no party to celebrate the bill, but we can still celebrate our ocean-loving community anyway. (Hey, we’re TEXANS. Nobody can tell us what to do, right?) If we want to party for the sharks, we’re going to do it! More on that after we get our plan together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time and willingness to champion this bill. The sharks need us now more than ever. Where there is great injustice, there is great opportunity to have an impact. Texas is full of paradoxes. We have abundant natural resources, strong individualism, and pioneering spirit. If we can direct the right blend of these qualities toward environmental leadership, we could be a force.

I’m disappointed about the loss, it’s true. But we are not finished, not by a long shot. We are just getting started.

Anna M. Clark
Shark Stewards Texas Chair

Sad day in Texas

A lobbyist and a few vocal charter boat captains working behind the scenes have killed this bill. We wont give up!

Texas Lawmakers block proposal to ban controversial shark-fishing practice
AUSTIN, Texas — A proposal to crack down on the slaughter of sharks for their fins has stalled in the last stages of the Texas Legislature.

After encountering opposition on the floor of the Texas Senate Monday, Democratic Sen. Juan Hinojosa of McAllen withdrew his proposal. It had already cleared the House.

Asian restaurants in many parts of the world, including big c
ities in Texas, legally serve shark fin soup as a delicacy. The fins can command $700 a pound.

Republican Sen. Troy Fraser of Horseshoe Bay said the bill would unfairly target only smugglers who work within the state.


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Texas in the news!

Article from the Huffington Post: Texans Unite in the Fight to Save Sharks

Trade bans are critical for protecting sharks from the international shark fin trade. DNA sequenced from Houston shops revealed a great hammerhead shark- a seriously threatened species. Until we can control the fisheries we have to control the trade. Shark Stewards is leading the effort to control the harmful practice of shark finning and the trade of shark fins. -David

Local Shark Fishermen support HB852

Our volunteer Marisol Ramirez reached out to local Shark Fishermen and created this video after talking to them about HB852.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Fins Crossed!

My little Shark Stewards Jordan and Ryan in Dallas, Texas have their "fins crossed" for a successful outcome on our shark bill from the Senate Natural Resources committee hearing today! -Anna

Monday, April 29, 2013


Everyone, WAY TO GO. Shark advocates called all day on Friday and our voices have been heard in Texas. I just found out the bill has been scheduled to move to the House floor on Friday. This is a huge accomplishment for Shark Stewards and the Humane Society of the United States. Call your legislator is week to support HB 852. We'll keep you posted with updates! Let's make it happen in Texas! -Anna

Friday, March 22, 2013


All, if you're in Dallas come to our talk tomorrow at TRAC at 9:00 AM!

Find out more: HERE

We had a great week in Texas

The shark fin bill has passed through Senate Committee and is passing through the House Committee to go to the House for a full vote. Please support HB 852, contact you representative and sign the petition.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Humane Lobby Day

Kids for sharks at Humane Lobby Day! With up-and-coming activists Sawyer Chandler, Jordan Clark and friends all there to support HB852 and our sharks!

Friday, March 15, 2013

House Committee Hearing

We had an amazing turn out at the hearing, with little opposition. David, Anna, Marisol along with other Shark Steward volunteers spoke in behalf of HB852 and their views seemed well received by the members. 

The Humane Society of the United States's Katie Jarl, along with Shark Stewards' Director David McGuire, Texas State Representative Lucio, and  Texas Shark Stewards' Anna Clark at the Texas State Capitol.

Outstanding turnout for our bill at House committee hearing. Katie Jarl and others with Humane Society of the United States, ASPCA, and Shark Stewards after hearing.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

An amazing experience at the Texas State Capitol today!

Photo provided by: Anna Clark

Amazing experience at the Capitol today with Katie Jarl, Kayla Ellis, Joy Benson and other Shark Stewards! I think we did a "fin"tastic job testifying before the Senate for the Texas shark fin bill. David McGuire, you would be proud to see us in action! -Anna


Wednesday, January 30, 2013


House Bill No. 852/Senate Bill No. 572
The Shark Fin Bill 

A bill hoping to eliminate the Shark Fin Trade in Texas was introduced into the 83rd Legislature Session today.

What this bill does: Prohibits the sale, trade, purchase and transportation of shark fins in Texas.

What it doesn’t do: It does not make shark fishing or the sell of shark illegal. Fishermen can still sell he entire shark, including their fins still attached, to dealers and processors. 

How does this affect shark fishermen: In reality, it helps them! As you are aware shark fishermen, under Texas Parks and Wildlife regulations, are allowed to keep one shark, per day, per license. This bill doest affect that. It just means that the fins have to remain attached when the shark carcass is being sent for processing or sold. With this bill, we will be protecting our rapidly declining shark population and therefore the fishermen will be able to continue their sport. 

How you can help: That is so simple! Send us a letter or email addressed to “Texas State Representative and Senators.” Tell them a bit about your self, the area in which you live, how you enjoy shark fishing, and of course that you support this bill. Ask and encourage them to support it as well! Sign with your name and zip code (so they can see you are a Texas resident and voter!) Please feel free to gather multiple fishermen and fishing clubs to do the same.

We will gather the letters and emails, and forwards them to the 
Senators and State Representatives!