Wednesday, January 30, 2013


House Bill No. 852/Senate Bill No. 572
The Shark Fin Bill 

A bill hoping to eliminate the Shark Fin Trade in Texas was introduced into the 83rd Legislature Session today.

What this bill does: Prohibits the sale, trade, purchase and transportation of shark fins in Texas.

What it doesn’t do: It does not make shark fishing or the sell of shark illegal. Fishermen can still sell he entire shark, including their fins still attached, to dealers and processors. 

How does this affect shark fishermen: In reality, it helps them! As you are aware shark fishermen, under Texas Parks and Wildlife regulations, are allowed to keep one shark, per day, per license. This bill doest affect that. It just means that the fins have to remain attached when the shark carcass is being sent for processing or sold. With this bill, we will be protecting our rapidly declining shark population and therefore the fishermen will be able to continue their sport. 

How you can help: That is so simple! Send us a letter or email addressed to “Texas State Representative and Senators.” Tell them a bit about your self, the area in which you live, how you enjoy shark fishing, and of course that you support this bill. Ask and encourage them to support it as well! Sign with your name and zip code (so they can see you are a Texas resident and voter!) Please feel free to gather multiple fishermen and fishing clubs to do the same.

We will gather the letters and emails, and forwards them to the 
Senators and State Representatives!